
We use the whole log

The environment is a top priority for us and every log is used in the best possible way. The planing shavings from our production become litter for the agricultural industry. The bark is used in our own fuel plant or as fuel in other heating plants. Chips and shavings are pressed into pellets or become paper and cardboard boxes at the paper mills. In this way, we contribute to the growth of more forest in Sweden than is harvested and help make the Swedish forest and sawmill industry the country’s largest source of net income.

We also reduce our environmental impact through short transports from our suppliers and out to our customers.

Our environmental policy:

“Through our Health and Safety Committee, Ingarps Trävaror shall maintain a high standard in our working environment.

The company and its employees shall comply with the laws, regulations and standards that society imposes on the business, and our raw material sourcing shall comply with requirements and intentions regarding PEFC (PEFC/05-32-193) och FSC® (FSC-C125275).

The continued confidence of our customers and the public demands that the company strives to implement continuous improvements to minimise its negative effects on the external environment.

The environment is a concern of all our employees.

As far as possible, our raw material shall come from environmentally certified forestry. Ingarps Trävaror AB shall work to increase this volume.”

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